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Both Cathal & I could easily be considered gear junkies, spending almost as much time buying and researching gear as using the stuff. After we choose to undertake the belt, we both almost imminently started looking at specific gear for the event. Our aim was to the find the lightest...

Explorer Belt 2015 – A review from Team Tarp
It’s hard to even know where to begin with this post, we’ve been back for 3 weeks now and I still haven’t figured out how can we even begin to narrow down everything that happened while on the 2015 Explorer Belt Expedition. I suppose a good place to start would...

A brief history of the Explorer Belt
Disclaimer: This information was gleamed from multiple sources. If anything is incorrect please comment below. The explorer belt is an international scouting award. Existing in a number of different forms in different countries. There is no central criteria, for example the UK scout association allows the belt to be completed by a number of different means,...

Award Ceremony – Belts Coming Home to Galway!
Last night marked the award ceremony for the Explorer Belt and we have the great news that we’ll be bringing home two new belts to Galway! More to follow soon on this and on the Belt as a whole when we get home but needless to say we were delighted...

Life at Base Camp
An easier day today ahead of the assessments starting tomorrow. Thunderstorms last night but clear again today. More updates to come soon!

Day Ten – Arrival
Last day walking today to Immenhausen over the mountains. Managed to get most of the walking over early to finish the walking and yo get the logs done in time for check in for 4pm. Time to relax a little now and get the weight off the feet!